Residency Showing for The Commons Choir at The Jamaica Center for the Arts on April 5th 6:30pm. More info here!
Performed on November 10 & 11, 2016 with Daria Fain - Commons Choir
BRIC @ 7:30pm
For more info!
Performed on May 29, 2016 with Daria Fain - Commons Choir
Brooklyn Studios for Dance @ 6pm
Performed on November 10 & 11, 2016 with Daria Fain - Commons Choir
BRIC @ 7:30pm
For more info!
Performed on May 29, 2016 with Daria Fain - Commons Choir
Brooklyn Studios for Dance @ 6pm
Dis Or Der at the Performance Mix Festival 29
Location: HERE Arts Center Saturday June 6, 2015 at 8:30pm More Information! |
UPDATE: Bifur/cación Monday, March 16th, 2015 Movement Research at Judson Church.
Doors Open at 7:45pm Free Event Click here for more Information! |

Presenting Bifur/cacion in Philadelphia on October 23rd,2014 @ 7:30pm
Check the event for details, tickets starting at $5!
Also, collaborating with Almanac Dance Circus Theater, check out their website:

Mapping : tijuana on August 4th at 7pm & 8pm in Parque Teniente Guerrero & August 5th, 2014 at 7pm in Plaza Santa Cecilia.
Check out the project below, every little bit helps!
mapping : tijuana project

Mapping with Alvaro and Josh at The Lumen Festival on Staten Island, Saturday June 28th, 2014 starting at 7pm

Presenting my newest work in progress at the Fresh Tracks showing at the New York Live Arts Friday May 30th, 2014 at 6pm. RSVP here!!

Presented Bifur / cacion on May 3rd, 2014 at 8pm at the Fete de l'Hurricane Festival at Red Bean Studios, curated by Carrie Brown.

Presented Bifur/cación at the New York Foundation of the Arts Gallery Pangea Friday January 17th, 2014 from 6-9pm. RVSP below:

Check out the listing in the New York Times for the Fresh Tracks Showcase the week of December 19-21st 2013. I will be presenting Ripping Up The Finish.

I was recently given the honor of being selected for the 2013/14 Fresh Tracks Residency at the New York Live Arts! I will be performing Ripping Up the Finish in December. Here are the details:

Ripping up the Finish was a featured performance at Red Bean Studios Fete de l'Hurricane Festival curated by Carrie Brown-2013

Throughout September-2013, I taught a children's workshop in Bed-Stuy as part of the New York Restoration Project in Brooklyn Gardens and the Indie-Ballet Collaborative Artistic direction by Ariel Asch. Free and open to the public— Come dance with us and enjoy the last days of summer. We were featured in The New York Times! Check the article for more information. Hope to see you there starting this Saturday at 2pm at the NYPR's Target Brooklyn Community Garden 931-933 Bedford Ave Bed-Stuy.

Mapping on September 14th and September 28th, 2013 at the NYRP's Target Brooklyn Community Garden and the Garden of Hope in Bed-Stuy

Saturday August 10th, 2013 at the LPC Garden as part of the GROUNDPLAN Art Festival! Come and map the space with us.

Mapping a site specific piece at the Sunset Park Day of Dance
(Sections of Mapping with a new addition: live video performance)
Brooklyn, New York, July 27th, 2013

Dis Or Der made its NYC debut October, 2012.
Thanks to everyone who invested in us and made it possible through the wonderfully practical Kickstarter.